(Revised 2021, Reviewed & approved with no changes January 2024)
This organization shall be known as St. Brendan Council of Catholic Women (hereinafter referred to as “CCW”).
The purpose of the CCW is:
- To promote and enhance the spiritual welfare and fellowship of its Members.
- To identify and support projects of pastoral concern and outreach programs.
Sec. 1 Any Catholic woman or any woman who is affiliated with St. Brendan Parish is eligible for membership in the CCW.
Sec. 2 Privileges of Membership are:
a). Members may hold office; have a voice in decisions made by the Executive Board; serve on the Nominating Committee that selects the slate of Executive Board officers; serve on CCW Standing Committees; vote to elect Officers at General Membership Meetings; nominate candidates for Honorary Life Membership and St. Brendan’s Medal for Outstanding Service.
b). A Member, who at the time of her death is in good standing, will have an individual Mass offered for the repose of her soul. A Mass will also be offered for the repose of the soul of any spouse or child of a Member in good standing.
c). All deceased Members shall be remembered at an annual Mass each November. A list of the names of those Members who have died during the year to date will be read and placed on the altar
Sec. 3 A Member in good standing, who has participated in CCW for five years and who is confined or incapacitated, may be considered for Honorary Life Membership (with no dues obligation) upon approval of Executive Board.
Sec. 4 A Member is deemed in good standing by having fulfilled her dues obligation or having been designated with Honorary Life Membership status.
Sec. 1 The Officers of the Executive Board shall determine the annual dues for Membership in the CCW. Our business year runs May 1st through April 30th. Member dues should be paid no later than January to remain current. New member dues are payable at registration.
Sec. 2 All revenue received by CCW shall be for the benefit of St. Brendan Parish, local outreach programs, the Membership and special projects approved by the Executive Board and Membership.
Sec. 3 Within 10 days of receipt of the June bank statement, the end of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall make arrangements for an independent financial audit of the books. The Treasurer shall read the report of the financial audit at the first General Membership Meeting.
Sec. 1 Following the nomination and election process, the Executive Board shall be comprised of the following: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary., Treasurer, Membership Chair and the appointed Parliamentarian.
Sec.2 At the January Executive Board Meeting of the second year of the Executive Board term, the President shall appoint a Chair of the Nominating Committee. This Chair shall appoint two members to serve on the Committee. All CCW Members are eligible to serve on the Nominating Committee. Members of the Executive Board may serve on the Nominating Committee providing they do not intend to serve as an Officer on the upcoming Board. This Committee shall prepare a slate of nominees for Officers, and present same at the March General Membership Meeting. If necessary, the Nominating Committee may present a slate that nominates two members for one Officer position. This will be considered a shared position, and as such, will have only one vote.
Sec. 3 To provide continuity, a sense of history and most importantly, experience, it is the intention (but not a requirement) of the Executive Board to have at least one participant at the Board level with previous Board experience. This may be accomplished in one or both of the following ways:
a). Any previous Board member is welcome to serve consecutive or multiple terms, if duly nominated, elected or appointed, or
b). A former Executive Board Member, duly appointed by the incoming President, shall serve as a non-voting Advisor. While not an Executive Board member, as an Advisor she is invited to attend all Executive Board meetings.
Sec. 4 Each nominee for Office shall be a Member in good standing of CCW, must understand the duties of her Office and will be expected to attend all CCW Board Meetings either in person or via media. Notwithstanding, the President has the ability to waive certain Board level position requirements and privileges on an ad hoc basis, as needed. This includes, but is not limited to, waiving the responsibility of the Officer to be a Member of the Executive Board. The Officer’s duties will remain, but not as a voting Board member.
Sec. 5 Term of office shall be for two years
Sec. 6 Installation of Officers shall take place as soon as possible after the last meeting of the season in April. The outgoing President shall call a meeting of the outgoing and incoming Executive Board in a timely manner, in order to allow for a smooth turnover of the materials and records of each office.
Sec. 7 The Executive Board shall consist of all elected Officers, and the Parliamentarian. Executive Board Members who are absent from three Executive Board Meetings without due reason shall be declared not in good standing. Such Board Member shall be so notified by letter within two weeks after the third absence. The position shall be declared vacant and appropriate steps taken. The President with the approval of the Executive Board shall fill any vacancy occurring in any office.
Sec. 8 Any Officer may serve on any CCW Committee.
Sec. 1 President: The president shall preside over all meetings of CCW and the Executive Board and be the official representative of CCW in all activities of CCW on all levels. She shall appoint a Parliamentarian and an Advisor to the Executive Board (if needed); be an ex officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee; receive all requests for donations for outreach programs and special projects to be brought before the Executive Board and then the Membership.
Sec. 2 Vice President: The Vice President shall perform all the duties of the President in the event of the inability or absence of the President and perform such duties as requested by the President and/or the Executive Board. She shall be the Program Chair; provide speakers for general meetings, as necessary; coordinate with the Hospitality Committee and secure volunteers for front desk assignments
Sec. 3 Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary shall record and submit for approval to the Executive Board and General Membership respectively, the minutes of the Executive Board Meetings and the General Membership Meetings of CCW. She shall be the custodian of all records (except those assigned to others); keep a copy of the Bylaws of CCW and have them available for reference at all meetings.
Sec. 4 Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for communicating with the CCW Membership, St. Brendan’s Parish, the local community and be the designated person to receive and respond to mail received by CCW.
Sec. 5 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all CCW receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer has authority to sign CCW checks not exceeding $500. A check in an amount exceeding $500 must be co-signed by a Board Member with check signing authority or St. Brendan’s pastor. In the event that funds for special events or projects are needed, the President shall obtain approval from a quorum of the Executive Board. In the absence of the Treasurer, the President shall sign checks. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements; shall render a monthly detailed report of same to the Executive Board and the General Membership when in session and submit all books and records together with all supporting data for the annual independent financial audit.
Sec. 6 Membership Chair: The Membership Chair shall maintain and accept new membership applications, be responsible for maintenance of the membership roster, solicit and collect annual dues, maintain CCW website and update and maintain membership directory.
Sec. 7 Parliamentarian: The Parliamentarian appointed by the incoming President shall advise on questions pertaining to rules and procedures when requested. “Roberts Rules of Order” (Revised) shall govern procedures, providing they do not conflict with the Bylaws of the Council. Because the Parliamentarian is an advisor and consultant, she has no vote on any matters during the Executive Board meetings.
Sec. 8 Standing Committees: The President shall establish and appoint Chairs for the Committees as needed. It is acknowledged that the Chair of the Selection Committee of the St. Brendan’s Medal for Outstanding Service shall be the last recipient of the Medal.
Sec. 1 The General Membership of CCW shall meet on the first Tuesday of each month, October through April at 12 p.m. The date of the General Membership Meetings may be changed when there is a conflict of special events. Adjustments may be made by the President, with the approval of the Executive Board.
Sec. 2 The Executive Board Meeting shall be held at least one week prior to the General Membership Meeting. Adjustments may be made by the President with the approval of the Executive Board.
Sec. 3 Special CCW Meetings may be held at the call of the President.
Sec. 4 Notice of meetings shall be published in the Sunday Church Bulletin prior to the meetings.
Sec. 5 Three Members shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board. Fifteen Members shall constitute a quorum of the General Membership. (A quorum is the minimum number of voting members who must be present at a properly called meeting in order to conduct business in the name of the group). A majority vote is needed to pass motions at both the Executive Board and General Membership levels.
Sec. 6 Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the Members present at a General Membership Meeting.
Sec. 1 A Bylaw Review Committee shall be appointed by the incoming President every two years. The Committee shall review the bylaws and make any recommendations deemed necessary to the Executive Board. Changes to the Bylaws may be recommended at any time by the Committee.
Sec. 2 The General Membership shall approve all donations, with the exception of donations determined as an emergency by the Executive Board. The Executive Board is authorized to make such emergency donations.