Our Ministries and Organizations
Ministries of Fellowship:
The Navigators are a group of men of St. Brendan whose purpose is to assist the pastor in furthering the mission of the parish. They do this by promoting the spiritual welfare of the men, by performing works of charity in the community, by supporting parish social and cultural activities, and by assisting with projects of pastoral interest. The Navigators finance their projects by modest annual dues, the sale of religious articles and fund raisers such as pancake breakfasts (in season). The Navigators meet the third Wednesday of every month. Contact: Ed Evans through the parish office.
Council of Catholic Women (Click for more information)
The main objectives of the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) are to:
Promote the spiritual welfare and enhance the fellowship of the members
Develop and support projects of pastoral concern and outreach programs
The Membership meets October through April on the first Tuesday of each month in Msgr. Mulligan Hall. Dues are $25 a year.
Membership Meetings, several with speakers, are followed by fellowship in the hall.The main yearly fundraising events are a St. Patrick’s Card & Game Party, Fashion Show & Luncheon, Christmas Fair, Christmas Luncheon and two Bake Sales.
An Annual Mass for deceased members is offered each November and a Retreat is held in March at the House of Prayer.<br><br>
The Council also sponsors a yearly Blood Drive, Mother’s Day Carnation Sale, potluck dinners and an end of season barbecue.
Contact Alice Jones through the Parish Office.
Crafty Characters
This small group meets on Mondays at 10 a.m. in Classroom A to share crafting projects and fellowship. Please join us - contact Carolyn Goslee through the parish office
Ministries of Service
After the example of Joseph of Arimathea, who saw to a proper burial of Christ, the Arimatheans have a special concern that deceased Christians are buried with loving care. As representatives of our parish, they wear the Jerusalem Cross and a nametag, while they attempt to bring solace and consolation to the family of any departed members of the parish. They do so by attending the wake service, the funeral or memorial Mass. While this ministry requires taking time from their daily personal routine concerned members of this group are happy to give their time to show love for our neighbor. Contact the Parish Office.
Lend A Hand Ministry
In answering the final phase of the Living Eucharist, St. Brendan Parish created this SENT Ministry, renamed in 2016 as Lend A Hand Ministry. The Mission of Lend A Hand Ministry is to communicate, work with and respond to the needs of outreach organizations in our community. Lend A Hand Ministry organizes donation drives in the Church such as toiletries for women and children who are victims of domestic violence; diapers, and infant clothing for Kimberly Home; and clothing for the homeless. Lend A Hand Ministry also maintains the St. Brendan apartment at Grace House, which provides apartment style living for homeless families and those in financial crisis. “Lend a Hand” bags are available at both entrances to the Church. Parishioners are asked to fill the bags with non-perishable food items and return them to Msgr. Mulligan Hall. The food is distributed to our brothers and sisters in need through RCS Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen, Thorn Ministries and Clearwater Homeless Emergency Project. Contact Bob and Teresa Clark, through parish office.
Pinellas Hope
Pinellas Hope is a temporary emergency shelter for over 250 homeless men and women, located in Clearwater on 20 acres provided by Bishop Robert N. Lynch and the Diocese of St. Petersburg. It opened its doors on December 1, 2007. Background checks are done on all the residents and case managers meet with them on a regular basis to set goals towards self-sufficiency. They also assist the residents with job and housing placement and perform follow up visits with them six months after they leave the shelter. Volunteers provide time and talent to the many facets of this ministry: meals, education, transportation, administration. Mike Maslowski is our Pinellas Hope contact who, with his wonderful volunteers, provides lunches and dinners at different days during the month. All the food is donated, cooked, and prepared in our parish kitchen then delivered and served to the residents of Pinellas Hope. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Visitation Ministry
As Jesus has taught us, and as Pope Francis teaches us by example, we need to minister to the elderly, the lonely, and ill of our community. This is the mission of our Visitation Ministry. If you have a family member, a friend, or a neighbor who is shut-in, hospitalized, in an assisted living facility or nursing care facility, please let us know. Do not wait too long! Help reach those who would find comfort through the Word of God through Communion and friendship. We are Ministers of Holy Communion for our Catholic sisters and brothers but we visit people of all faiths or those who have no faith community. St. Brendan's Parish has been blessed with a group of caring parishioners who have answered the call to serve as Visitation ministers. They have been trained and are experienced. Contact: Carol Shea, Visitation Ministry Coordinator, through parish office, to schedule a visit or to inquire about volunteering for this ministry.
Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life ministry exists to uphold the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. To join in this important mission of prayer, action, and service, please contact Debbie and Don Noble through parish office.
Virginia Tree
The St. Brendan Virginia Tree is an outgrowth of the Giving Tree begun and chaired by Virginia Clark from 1979 through 2005. Upon her passing, Msgr. Devine suggested changing the name from the Giving Tree to the Virginia Tree as a living memorial to her efforts. The Virginia Tree is a parish Christmas project, sharing the special season with less fortunate families in our community. Names of needy families come from several organizations and resources. Tags coded for a particular family hang on the Christmas Giving Tree, located in the church. Each tag has suggestions for that family's gifts. Gifts are purchased by parishioners, and returned to the church by a set date. Before Christmas, volunteers sort the gifts and purchase requested items with cash donations. This is a very rewarding and successful ministry. The kindness and generosity of our parishioners is obvious. To volunteer, contact parish office
Finance Council
The parish Finance Council is the only parish committee established by Canon Law. The council consists of the Pastor, Administrator and parishioners appointed by the pastor for a term of three years. The members generally have business, financial or legal backgrounds. The council reviews and monitors the financial affairs of the parish. They assist in preparing the parish annual budget that is submitted to the office of the Bishop, and meet to review the parish quarterly financial statements that are filed with the Diocese. The council serves to assure that the assets of the parish are properly used and safeguarded. The Parish Administrator provides an analysis of the financial results and responds to questions from the committee. The work of the Finance Council gives the parishioners comfort that the financial transactions are necessary and proper. Contact: Don Noble through the Parish Office
Ministries of Prayer
Adult Choir
The adult choir rehearses weekly, usually on Thursdays in the early evening during the seasons of October to May. They commonly sing at the 9:00am or 11:00am on Sunday and at Special Liturgies. They support the congregational singing of hymns, responses and musical settings of the Liturgy, also singing anthems of our faith. Contact Harriet Hall through parish office or see her after Mass.
The Cantor serves as cantor and song leader, encouraging and inviting the song of the congregation, singing the Psalm and other liturgy parts and offering other anthems. Contact Harriet Hall through parish office or see her after Mass.
Music Ministry
This ministry seeks to encourage the full and active participation of all, in the Liturgy through use of song and instrumental music, to amplify the words of the readings and gospel. It provides an opportunity to share and develop our musical talent in worship of our God. Contact Frank Vanden-Eynden through parish office or after Mass.
Altar Servers
Altar servers are those men, women and young people who serve the presider at weekday and Sunday Masses. Duties of the servers are to lead the Mass procession, prepare the altar for Mass and attend to the needs of the priest during the celebration of Mass. Youth servers range from 8 to 16 years old and serve about every other week. Servers attend training sessions and observe at Masses before serving alone. Normally, adults serve at the weekday Masses and the early Mass on Sunday. Contact parish office for more information
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are those people who have volunteered for the wonderful privilege of distributing Holy Communion to their fellow parishioners during the celebration of Holy Mass. Ministers receive training for both the theological and practical aspect of sharing the Eucharist. Ministers serve about every other week, are expected to dress appropriately, and arrive at 10 to 15 minutes early to receive their position assignment. Contact parish office for more information
Lectors (readers) are those men and women who proclaim the Word of God at daily and Sunday Masses. While training, a workbook is supplied to each Lector so that s/he can prepare the readings prior to the designated Mass. This is a great privilege and the proclamation should be as flawless as possible. Lectors are asked to be at church 15 minutes prior to Mass to review the readings of the day. On weekends, lectors read once or twice each month or on a selected day during the week. Contact parish office for more information.
Welcoming at St. Brendan starts in the parking lot. The Usher/Greeter is usually the first and last person a parishioner or visitor sees. Each weekend, Mass has from three to six ushers and greeters assigned and each Mass has an usher captain. The ushers (male or female) are charged with greeting, welcoming, answering questions, helping individuals find seats, taking up the offertory collection and generally guiding and helping as necessary. Ushers usually serve each weekend at a particular Mass. Ushers are trained by their Mass captain. Contact any usher at Mass, or parish office for more information.
Vocation Ministry
During Lent, those attending Mass are asked to pray daily for one of the priests of the diocese. Names are chosen randomly by taking a leaflet at the Church entrances. The intent is to pray for strength for that priest to live up to the vows he has made. Encouragement is sometimes needed to have all 200 to 300 names taken each year. The motto is "Pray for the Consecrated." Contact Art and Pat Deegan at parish office.
Small Faith Community
Begun as part of the diocesan program of RENEW in the year 1998, St. Brendan's Small Faith Community is a group of 12 or so parishioners who meet once a month for about one and one-half hours to search for ongoing conversion of the heart. While membership changes as people move in and out of the parish, a commitment is made to attend these monthly meetings regularly. During the meeting, time is spent reflecting on selected passages of Sacred Scripture and spiritual writings of Saints and others. This is followed by sharing with one another what these readings mean to each individual's personal life. The intent is to provide encouragement to each other in the meeting of daily challenges, and to support one another in living our faith. Contact: Art Deegan through parish office.
Circle of Prayer
You are invited to join our Circle of Prayer at 12 noon every Wednesday in Classroom B. Our purpose is to gather as the Angelus calls us to prayer. Each person will have the opportunity to present their petitions. We do not gather to comment or to offer advice, only to pray with an open heart as a group. Please join us, everyone is welcome.
Ministries of Formation
Faith Formation
Whether you are a life-long Catholic or new to the faith, St. Brendan Adult Faith Development will build your relationship with Jesus Christ and enhance your understanding of our Church, its history and tradition. This program is designed to help adults learn more about the richness of their faith. Offerings include Bible Study, Book Club, Movie Night, and special formation series and speakers. This is an exciting ministry - for more information or to volunteer to help, see "Faith Development" page on this website.
Rite of Christian Initiation is the journey that adults, interested in becoming Catholic, learn about and experience the Catholic Faith. It is targeted to those who were not baptized or people baptized in another Christian denomination, but were not catechized or taught in the ways of the Catholic Christian faith. The RCIA journey begins in mid October with weekly meetings and ends just after Easter. There are both classroom sessions and Liturgical rites during Lent and Holy Week. Interested seekers are strongly encourage to contact the Parish Office.
Ministries of Fellowship:
The Navigators are a group of men of St. Brendan whose purpose is to assist the pastor in furthering the mission of the parish. They do this by promoting the spiritual welfare of the men, by performing works of charity in the community, by supporting parish social and cultural activities, and by assisting with projects of pastoral interest. The Navigators finance their projects by modest annual dues, the sale of religious articles and fund raisers such as pancake breakfasts (in season). The Navigators meet the third Wednesday of every month. Contact: Ed Evans through the parish office.
Council of Catholic Women (Click for more information)
The main objectives of the Council of Catholic Women (CCW) are to:
Promote the spiritual welfare and enhance the fellowship of the members
Develop and support projects of pastoral concern and outreach programs
The Membership meets October through April on the first Tuesday of each month in Msgr. Mulligan Hall. Dues are $25 a year.
Membership Meetings, several with speakers, are followed by fellowship in the hall.The main yearly fundraising events are a St. Patrick’s Card & Game Party, Fashion Show & Luncheon, Christmas Fair, Christmas Luncheon and two Bake Sales.
An Annual Mass for deceased members is offered each November and a Retreat is held in March at the House of Prayer.<br><br>
The Council also sponsors a yearly Blood Drive, Mother’s Day Carnation Sale, potluck dinners and an end of season barbecue.
Contact Alice Jones through the Parish Office.
Crafty Characters
This small group meets on Mondays at 10 a.m. in Classroom A to share crafting projects and fellowship. Please join us - contact Carolyn Goslee through the parish office
Ministries of Service
After the example of Joseph of Arimathea, who saw to a proper burial of Christ, the Arimatheans have a special concern that deceased Christians are buried with loving care. As representatives of our parish, they wear the Jerusalem Cross and a nametag, while they attempt to bring solace and consolation to the family of any departed members of the parish. They do so by attending the wake service, the funeral or memorial Mass. While this ministry requires taking time from their daily personal routine concerned members of this group are happy to give their time to show love for our neighbor. Contact the Parish Office.
Lend A Hand Ministry
In answering the final phase of the Living Eucharist, St. Brendan Parish created this SENT Ministry, renamed in 2016 as Lend A Hand Ministry. The Mission of Lend A Hand Ministry is to communicate, work with and respond to the needs of outreach organizations in our community. Lend A Hand Ministry organizes donation drives in the Church such as toiletries for women and children who are victims of domestic violence; diapers, and infant clothing for Kimberly Home; and clothing for the homeless. Lend A Hand Ministry also maintains the St. Brendan apartment at Grace House, which provides apartment style living for homeless families and those in financial crisis. “Lend a Hand” bags are available at both entrances to the Church. Parishioners are asked to fill the bags with non-perishable food items and return them to Msgr. Mulligan Hall. The food is distributed to our brothers and sisters in need through RCS Food Bank, St. Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen, Thorn Ministries and Clearwater Homeless Emergency Project. Contact Bob and Teresa Clark, through parish office.
Pinellas Hope
Pinellas Hope is a temporary emergency shelter for over 250 homeless men and women, located in Clearwater on 20 acres provided by Bishop Robert N. Lynch and the Diocese of St. Petersburg. It opened its doors on December 1, 2007. Background checks are done on all the residents and case managers meet with them on a regular basis to set goals towards self-sufficiency. They also assist the residents with job and housing placement and perform follow up visits with them six months after they leave the shelter. Volunteers provide time and talent to the many facets of this ministry: meals, education, transportation, administration. Mike Maslowski is our Pinellas Hope contact who, with his wonderful volunteers, provides lunches and dinners at different days during the month. All the food is donated, cooked, and prepared in our parish kitchen then delivered and served to the residents of Pinellas Hope. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please contact the Parish Office.
Visitation Ministry
As Jesus has taught us, and as Pope Francis teaches us by example, we need to minister to the elderly, the lonely, and ill of our community. This is the mission of our Visitation Ministry. If you have a family member, a friend, or a neighbor who is shut-in, hospitalized, in an assisted living facility or nursing care facility, please let us know. Do not wait too long! Help reach those who would find comfort through the Word of God through Communion and friendship. We are Ministers of Holy Communion for our Catholic sisters and brothers but we visit people of all faiths or those who have no faith community. St. Brendan's Parish has been blessed with a group of caring parishioners who have answered the call to serve as Visitation ministers. They have been trained and are experienced. Contact: Carol Shea, Visitation Ministry Coordinator, through parish office, to schedule a visit or to inquire about volunteering for this ministry.
Respect Life Ministry
The Respect Life ministry exists to uphold the sanctity and dignity of all human life from conception to natural death. To join in this important mission of prayer, action, and service, please contact Debbie and Don Noble through parish office.
Virginia Tree
The St. Brendan Virginia Tree is an outgrowth of the Giving Tree begun and chaired by Virginia Clark from 1979 through 2005. Upon her passing, Msgr. Devine suggested changing the name from the Giving Tree to the Virginia Tree as a living memorial to her efforts. The Virginia Tree is a parish Christmas project, sharing the special season with less fortunate families in our community. Names of needy families come from several organizations and resources. Tags coded for a particular family hang on the Christmas Giving Tree, located in the church. Each tag has suggestions for that family's gifts. Gifts are purchased by parishioners, and returned to the church by a set date. Before Christmas, volunteers sort the gifts and purchase requested items with cash donations. This is a very rewarding and successful ministry. The kindness and generosity of our parishioners is obvious. To volunteer, contact parish office
Finance Council
The parish Finance Council is the only parish committee established by Canon Law. The council consists of the Pastor, Administrator and parishioners appointed by the pastor for a term of three years. The members generally have business, financial or legal backgrounds. The council reviews and monitors the financial affairs of the parish. They assist in preparing the parish annual budget that is submitted to the office of the Bishop, and meet to review the parish quarterly financial statements that are filed with the Diocese. The council serves to assure that the assets of the parish are properly used and safeguarded. The Parish Administrator provides an analysis of the financial results and responds to questions from the committee. The work of the Finance Council gives the parishioners comfort that the financial transactions are necessary and proper. Contact: Don Noble through the Parish Office
Ministries of Prayer
Adult Choir
The adult choir rehearses weekly, usually on Thursdays in the early evening during the seasons of October to May. They commonly sing at the 9:00am or 11:00am on Sunday and at Special Liturgies. They support the congregational singing of hymns, responses and musical settings of the Liturgy, also singing anthems of our faith. Contact Harriet Hall through parish office or see her after Mass.
The Cantor serves as cantor and song leader, encouraging and inviting the song of the congregation, singing the Psalm and other liturgy parts and offering other anthems. Contact Harriet Hall through parish office or see her after Mass.
Music Ministry
This ministry seeks to encourage the full and active participation of all, in the Liturgy through use of song and instrumental music, to amplify the words of the readings and gospel. It provides an opportunity to share and develop our musical talent in worship of our God. Contact Frank Vanden-Eynden through parish office or after Mass.
Altar Servers
Altar servers are those men, women and young people who serve the presider at weekday and Sunday Masses. Duties of the servers are to lead the Mass procession, prepare the altar for Mass and attend to the needs of the priest during the celebration of Mass. Youth servers range from 8 to 16 years old and serve about every other week. Servers attend training sessions and observe at Masses before serving alone. Normally, adults serve at the weekday Masses and the early Mass on Sunday. Contact parish office for more information
Eucharistic Ministers
Eucharistic Ministers are those people who have volunteered for the wonderful privilege of distributing Holy Communion to their fellow parishioners during the celebration of Holy Mass. Ministers receive training for both the theological and practical aspect of sharing the Eucharist. Ministers serve about every other week, are expected to dress appropriately, and arrive at 10 to 15 minutes early to receive their position assignment. Contact parish office for more information
Lectors (readers) are those men and women who proclaim the Word of God at daily and Sunday Masses. While training, a workbook is supplied to each Lector so that s/he can prepare the readings prior to the designated Mass. This is a great privilege and the proclamation should be as flawless as possible. Lectors are asked to be at church 15 minutes prior to Mass to review the readings of the day. On weekends, lectors read once or twice each month or on a selected day during the week. Contact parish office for more information.
Welcoming at St. Brendan starts in the parking lot. The Usher/Greeter is usually the first and last person a parishioner or visitor sees. Each weekend, Mass has from three to six ushers and greeters assigned and each Mass has an usher captain. The ushers (male or female) are charged with greeting, welcoming, answering questions, helping individuals find seats, taking up the offertory collection and generally guiding and helping as necessary. Ushers usually serve each weekend at a particular Mass. Ushers are trained by their Mass captain. Contact any usher at Mass, or parish office for more information.
Vocation Ministry
During Lent, those attending Mass are asked to pray daily for one of the priests of the diocese. Names are chosen randomly by taking a leaflet at the Church entrances. The intent is to pray for strength for that priest to live up to the vows he has made. Encouragement is sometimes needed to have all 200 to 300 names taken each year. The motto is "Pray for the Consecrated." Contact Art and Pat Deegan at parish office.
Small Faith Community
Begun as part of the diocesan program of RENEW in the year 1998, St. Brendan's Small Faith Community is a group of 12 or so parishioners who meet once a month for about one and one-half hours to search for ongoing conversion of the heart. While membership changes as people move in and out of the parish, a commitment is made to attend these monthly meetings regularly. During the meeting, time is spent reflecting on selected passages of Sacred Scripture and spiritual writings of Saints and others. This is followed by sharing with one another what these readings mean to each individual's personal life. The intent is to provide encouragement to each other in the meeting of daily challenges, and to support one another in living our faith. Contact: Art Deegan through parish office.
Circle of Prayer
You are invited to join our Circle of Prayer at 12 noon every Wednesday in Classroom B. Our purpose is to gather as the Angelus calls us to prayer. Each person will have the opportunity to present their petitions. We do not gather to comment or to offer advice, only to pray with an open heart as a group. Please join us, everyone is welcome.
Ministries of Formation
Faith Formation
Whether you are a life-long Catholic or new to the faith, St. Brendan Adult Faith Development will build your relationship with Jesus Christ and enhance your understanding of our Church, its history and tradition. This program is designed to help adults learn more about the richness of their faith. Offerings include Bible Study, Book Club, Movie Night, and special formation series and speakers. This is an exciting ministry - for more information or to volunteer to help, see "Faith Development" page on this website.
Rite of Christian Initiation is the journey that adults, interested in becoming Catholic, learn about and experience the Catholic Faith. It is targeted to those who were not baptized or people baptized in another Christian denomination, but were not catechized or taught in the ways of the Catholic Christian faith. The RCIA journey begins in mid October with weekly meetings and ends just after Easter. There are both classroom sessions and Liturgical rites during Lent and Holy Week. Interested seekers are strongly encourage to contact the Parish Office.